
  1. Travel Information
  2. Transportation

Where is the HICO?

HICO stands for Hwabaek International Convention Center located in Gyeongju, the ancient capital city of the Silla Dynasty. The name was inspired by the Hwabaek culture of the Silla Dynasty, which was a system of holding meetings with the principle of arriving at a unanimous resolution based on active discussions. It is a befitting name for a convention center where diverse people gather and communicate to draw out the best results.

1. By Train (Recommended)

(1) AREX

(2) KTX(2 hrs)

(3) Bus or Taxi (30-40 mins)

Bus (No. 710, 1150) Taxi
Travel Time 710: 54 minutes (24km) / 12 times a day
1150: 35 minutes (23km) / 3 times a day
35 minutes (21km)
Fare KRW 1,300 ~ 1,700 (seated bus) KRW 29,000 ~ 30,000 per one-way
(surcharge included)

2. By Bus

(1) Express Bus (5 hrs)

Terminal 1: Floor No. 11

At Terminal 1, you can purchase bus tickets and get related information at the ticket booths located inside the terminal (next to exits 4 and 9) and outside the terminal (near exits 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, and 13).

Terminal 2: Transportation center basement 1, No. 2

At Terminal 2, bus-related information and ticket purchases are available at the bus terminal located on the B1 level of the Transportation Center.

Timetable Fare
Departure Arrival
Incheon Airport Terminal 1 Incheon Airport Terminal 2 Gyeongju Bus Terminal
09:20 / 09:20 (Weekend) 09:00 14:00 / 14:20 (Weekend) KRW 43,900
11:20 11:00 15:20
17:20 17:00 22:20
19:20 19:00 24:20
Bus (No. 10, 16, 18, 100-1, 150-1, 1000, 1150) Taxi
Travel Time 25 minutes (11km) 20 minutes (11km)
Fare KRW 1,300 ~ 1,700 (seated bus) KRW 15,000 ~ 18,000 per one-way
(surcharge included)

1. Express Bus (60 mins)

Timetable Fare
Departure Arrival
Gimhae Int’l Airport Gyeongju Bus Terminal
07:20 08:20 KRW 9,500
8:50 9:50
10:00 11:00
11:20 12:20
12:40 13:40
13:40 14:40
14:40 15:40
15:40 16:40
16:40 17:40
17:40 18:40
18:40 19:40
19:40 20:40
20:40 21:40
22:00 23:00

2. Bus or Taxi (20 ~ 30 mins)

Bus (No. 10, 16, 18, 100-1, 150-1, 1000, 1150) Taxi
Travel Time 25 minutes (11km) 20 minutes (11km)
Fare KRW 1,300 ~ 1,700 (seated bus) KRW 15,000 ~ 18,000 per one-way
(surcharge included)

1. Taxi (60 ~ 70 mins)

Travel Time 60 ~ 70 minutes (75km)
Fare KRW 74,000 ~ 92,000 per one-way
(surcharge included)

1. Taxi (45 ~ 50 mins)

Travel Time 45 minutes (31km)
Fare KRW 33,000 ~ 35,000 per one-way
(surcharge included)
Program at
a Glance